Ashton Cigars
Ashton cigars are a brand that has been synonymous with luxury and quality since their inception. Founded by Robert Levin and his father in 1985, Ashton cigars quickly became a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for their excellent construction, rich flavor, and elegant presentation.
What sets Ashton cigars apart from other brands is their commitment to using only the finest tobaccos. From the wrapper to the filler, every component of an Ashton cigar is carefully selected to ensure the perfect balance of flavor and complexity. This dedication to quality is evident in every cigar, whether you're smoking the mild and creamy Ashton Classic or the full-bodied and complex Ashton VSG.
But Ashton cigars are more than just a product - they're an experience. Each cigar is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring that every draw is smooth and flavorful. And the brand's commitment to elegance and sophistication is reflected in their packaging and branding, which exude class and refinement.
One of the most popular Ashton cigars is the Ashton Symmetry, a medium to full-bodied cigar with notes of leather, cocoa, and spice. This cigar is a testament to the brand's commitment to quality and craftsmanship, with each one rolled by skilled artisans who take pride in their work.
But perhaps the most impressive thing about Ashton cigars is the brand's dedication to giving back. Through the Ashton Cares initiative, the company has raised millions of dollars for various charities and causes, demonstrating their commitment to making a positive impact on the world.