Foundation Cigars
Foundation Cigars is a brand that was founded by Nick Melillo, a man with a passion for tobacco and a vision for creating a unique cigar smoking experience. With a focus on quality and creativity, Foundation Cigars has quickly become a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
What sets Foundation Cigars apart is their commitment to innovation and experimentation. From the bold and complex Tabernacle to the smooth and flavorful Charter Oak, each cigar is a testament to the brand's dedication to pushing the boundaries of what a cigar can be.
One of the most popular cigars in the Foundation lineup is the El Gueguense, a medium-bodied cigar with notes of cocoa, coffee, and spices. But what makes this cigar truly unique is its blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, which creates a flavor profile that is both complex and balanced.
But Foundation Cigars is more than just a brand - it's a lifestyle. The company is known for its commitment to community and creativity, with events and collaborations that bring together cigar enthusiasts from around the world. And with a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, Foundation Cigars is a brand that is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.
But perhaps the most impressive thing about Foundation Cigars is the passion and enthusiasm of its founder, Nick Melillo. From his early days working in a cigar shop to his current position as one of the most innovative minds in the industry, Nick's love for tobacco and dedication to quality is evident in every cigar that bears the Foundation name.